Selecting THE diamond is about more than just the 4c's!
At Your Jewelry Box we search the world over to source the best diamond crystals, work directly with diamond cutters domestically and abroad, and negiociate the very best values to ensure no other store or online source for Earth mined diamonds will beat our value.
A word from Devin on the subject:
As a Jeweler and member of the diamond industry I am often surprised and shocked at the lack of knowledge and understanding most other jewelry store owners have regarding rough diamond, and loose diamond buying and negiociating. Many stores choose to memo (borrow or consign) loose diamond inventory exclusively from diamond brokers (3rd party). What this means is that many stores dont own any of their loose diamonds, or very few of them. In exchange they dont have millions of dollars invested in them. Sadly though they always end up paying more for those diamonds which means you must too. Add this to the fact that unless you have a finger on the pulse of the Hong Kong, Antwerp, New York, Los Angeles, Israel, and African diamond market it's impossible to understand the ebs and flows of the market. We invest in owning all of our own diamonds. We pay for our diamonds with cash and we dont buy any diamond we aren't 100% convinced we have picked up direct from the source and at the most genuine market value that exists. Cut grades, clarity, color, hues, flouresence and more all effect the value of a diamond, but our direct importing, cutting, and committed negiociations ensure that we are cutting out the middle man, bringing a superior diamond to you, and selling at a price that we are proud of. That is a price that is virtually untouchable by our competition.
What about online sellers?
Online diamond sellers virtually never own their diamonds. They have seldom even inspected them. Any broker can make a video and upload to their site. This is nice because you can have a large selection. However, elements that are not reflected in GIA or AGS Diamond Grading Certificates often explain the "best" 10% or more of their low priced diamonds. These are elements like flouresence, and its effect on the diamond appearance. Or something called BGM, an industry term meaning brown green milky. A diamond can have a good color grade on a certificate, but exhibit varying hues of brown, green, or a milky nature. These are things that trained gemologists such as myself understand quite well, but the industry does a poor job at explaining. 90% of the lowest priced diamonds you see online will have one of these factors present, signifigantly lowering their true value. Because we inspect every diamond we sell BEFORE we buy it we are able to weed out and/or clearly explain the interaction of these elements and show you how they effect the value of a diamond.